My Part-time Jobs
Debby Chang(張文蒨)
According to the statistics, about 40% of Taiwanese university students have part-time jobs after school, and their average income per month is more than 10,000 dollars. Most parents are worried that their children will neglect their studies because of work, but 75% of students believe that a part-time job has no harmful effect on their schoolwork. Take me for example, I did at least 5 part-time jobs in past few years, and I still have one at present. I would like to introduce some special part-time jobs here and share with you some of my experiences such as being a booking clerk, a tutor, and a whiskey promoter. In addition, I want to talk about the toil behind those jobs since all jobs require toil.
The first job I had was being a sales clerk for one and half year in a multiple cinema located in Kaohsiung when I was a student in a junior college. The payment was low, 80 dollars per hour, but I had to do a lot of work. I sold not only movie tickets, but also coke and popcorn. In fact, the main income of the cinema came from the food we sold. That was why my colleagues and I always tried to persuade our customers to spend extra money on our coke, popcorn, or hot dog. The more they spent, the more my boss gained. If we did not reach the target, the managers would blame us. Besides, as a staff member in a cinema, I had to fry popcorn, boil hot dog, and replenish stocks. However, the benefit satisfied me after the toilsome work. The staff could enjoy any movies on weekdays as they wished. We would get together to see movies when we were free. I even saw “The Lord of The Ring” for 5 times. Those free movies saved me a lot of money, and I also developed my interest in films. I really made many friends when I worked at the cinema.
Then, I worked as a phone tutor for a company selling English learning materials for more than 3 years. My responsibility was to call the kids and check if they could read aloud every word in the book. The payment was acceptable, 130 dollars per hour, and it was a nice job to me. My working time was from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. It is a relaxing and delightful job. After I graduated from the junior college, I moved to Taichung and studied at Feng Chia University. I quitted that tutoring job, and I started my new job as an English teacher at a language school for children. There were only 4 children in my class, but one of them was a disaster. The boy named Jeff never sat on his seat silently for more than 5 minutes. Actually, he did not like English at all, but his parents forced him to learn English. For this reason, he never listened to me, never did his homework, and even never let other students learn. Although I got 350 dollars per hour, I only taught one semester and quitted. I have been teaching junior high school students English since I ran away from those noisy little devils. I think I feel more comfortable with teenagers although I am quite good at handling some naughty kids.
Finally, I want to introduce a special part-time job for young, pretty girls—beer or whiskey promoter. The payment is usually higher than that of normal part-time jobs, about 250 to 500 dollars per hour. However, in order to be a qualified promoter, one needs to meet some criteria. For example, one should be between 18 and 25 years old, at least 160 centimeters tall, and weigh no more than 55 kilograms. The flexible working hours schedule is suitable for students. Students can work on the day they are free. Without spending too much time on this kind of jobs, they still can make some money. I have promoted beer, cigarette, and now I am promoting whiskey. I meet different kinds of people everyday. I learn how to sell my products and how to solve the problems. The only thing I am concerned about is my safety. For all its high payment, the job is still full of danger. I have to go home late because my work ends at midnight. Once in a while, I may be confronted by some drunken people. Consequently, I have to stay away from those drunkards and go home as soon as possible. Briefly, it is a unique part-time job for university girls.
Many adults may worry if their children spend too much time on part-time jobs, but all in all, students can make their petty cash, and learn some social experience as well. However, if they spend too much time on their part-time jobs, they may not have enough time to handle their school work. For this reason, students have to manage their time appropriately and keep the balance between their study and part-time jobs.